It's our last night at the campsite, and we can't say that we're that sad to be leaving bucket showers and smelly tents, but we are INCREDIBLY sad to leave our experiences at Kiima Kiu, the game-counts, and company of wonderful people who have been staying with us/cooking for us/talking with us this week. We just cleaned out our suitcases, leaving the clothes we soiled for the staff here to wash and donate to our new friends at the school and keeping a limited amount for safari this week. We had a busy day today...
This morning we awoke to our first clear, warm[ish] morning and a delicious breakfast- of course. After eating, we all dressed up for the first time in a long time and headed to church. When we got to the church, we were herded into a conference room where we met some wonderful people who worked there that gave us a warm, warm welcome which we receive absolutely everywhere we go, it's great. Church was a lot of fun with lots of singing, dancing, and praying. The service was completely in Swahili, except for the sermon which was translated by a boy we met who knew both English and Swahili fluently. We weren't exactly used to a three hour long service, but we survived.
We headed back to the campsite to have lunch and prepare for a drive out past Malili to a game ranch. The ranch is owned and run by people who intended for it to be for cattle herders, but many wild animals live there as well and we got the chance to pop open the roofs of our vans and have a mini-safari! Good prep for next week. We took so many pictures - we'd share them with you but our internet connection is waning and uploading pictures takes a while :/ Among the wildlife spotted were gifaffes, zebras, wildebeests, Thompson's gazelles, and hardebeests...we were speechless to say the least.
We just got done eating a very delicious dinner- the last one. We are very, very sad to say goodbye to our cooks, but the campfire talk tonight has been a lot of fun. Scary and embarrassing stories are a lot of fun to share with our friends here. For the next three days we are heading to Amboseli for our safaris and we are unsure if there will be internet available or how expensive it will be, so stay posted but do not expect consistency in the blog. We're excited but sorry we won't be able to fill you in!