Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Purpose of the Blog!

This blog was created by the mission team so that all of our generous donors, supporters, churches, and family members could keep an eye on our activity while we are across the globe in an effort to serve. Please use the gadget to the right to follow this blog by e-mail! :)


  1. Hey y'all, praying that you have safe travels there and one awesome experience when you land. I am so excited for all of you and the experiences that you are going to experience. Watch out for the monkeys, but otherwise, do everything you can. You are going to be such a blessing to the students there and they are going to teach you a few things, too. Love ya'll!

    Dank and Shelby

  2. Well, grammatically/sentence structure-wise, that was a horrible message, but I hope you got the point. It must be "summer brain."

  3. Glad to hear the group arrived safely! We are thinking about and praying for you.

    The Ipema's

  4. Sounds like an awesome first day! Glad it's going well and we are praying for all of you. P.S. Please remind Tyler to take pictures! The Lingbeeks

  5. Sounds like so much fun, already! I have to admit that I was a bit envious to read about all the different animals you were so close to, already. Shelby said to make sure that Dr. Randy doesn't take any of them home because Christee would not like it. :-) I agree with Lingbeeks, all of you take a lot of pictures! Have a great time and write again when you can.

    Dank and Shelbs'

  6. Sounds like all is going well so far- thoughts and prayers are with all of you- i will repeat the other requests- take lots of pictures!! Looking forward to the posts everyday!


  7. To our friends in Africa,
    We hope your lives are just as much touched as those you have the opportunity to serve. Praying for God's blessing in the trip.
    Curtis & Amy Bonnema

  8. Hello Gang! We're confident God is using you in mighty ways! We pray for your safety, good health and peace of mind for loved ones at home. Enjoy this wonderful adventure! You're on our hearts ~ Kathy and John Bartels
