Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back in Nairobi

We are writing from Nairobi tonight, having arrived back at the Mennonite Guest House safely from Amboseli! Our days on Safari were absolutely breathtaking - we saw so many animals at incredibly close distances including herds of elephants and several lions. However even with our persistence of trying to locate a cheetah and a leopard, their stealth-like abilities kept us from achieving our goal. We got some amazing pictures which we can't wait to share when we get back. We had a five hour drive from Amboseli to Nairobi, so most of our day was spent traveling, but we also got to stop at a curio shop near Amboseli to try our hand at bargaining. We ended up coming away with some really interesting handmade pieces at (what WE thought) good prices.

After our long and hot ride from Amboseli, we discovered that we still had one of the suitcases filled with shirts and other items we were intending on giving still in our possession. This gave us the chance to reunite with Mary and Cozmus, our good friends from the cheetah research camp. Even just after two days, returning back to camp felt like we had been gone for weeks and as if we were coming back home. After having a nice lunch back at camp, we left yet again for a long ride back to Nairobi. Returning to the Mennonite Guest House, we found rooms and settled in for the night. Now after dinner, the day is winding down and is leaving us to sort through our African treasures and relax.

Tomorrow we are headed to the children's orphanage to spend time with them and give them the remainder of our school supplies and clothing. We are really looking forward to spending our last few days in Kenya with giving hearts. We were able to have a discussion about the pros and cons of our trip last night and all agreed at what an incomparable experience this has been - something most people our age do not get to do with such amazing people and with the purpose of serving God. Thank you to everyone who made this possible! We'll let you know how the orphanage goes tomorrow.

PS to Dank - Alex and Marissa have been alternating nights with the blog, but tonight they gave me (Logan) a shot.


  1. Hope you were all able to use most of your spending money on African goods. Who knows when you will be back. Nice job posting, Logan!! Can't wait til Saturday!!

  2. All of you have done such a great job with your writing - the blogs have been so descriptive and it's easy to tell that you are genuinely enjoying yourselves and that you're being changed and blessed by this experience. The blog continues to be a good reminder to our kids about the blessings that they have and the importance of being grateful and giving back, so your words have an impact back in Kalamazoo as well! Tell Randy that the kids can't wait to see him this weekend (and his pictures from the safari!).
    Christee Dyk

  3. Lol - thanks for letting me know that you wrote it, Logan. You did a great job but did you have to use such little print? :-) By the way, Shelby says hi to all of you. She wondered if the safari was anything like Binder Park. I don't think she really gets where you are and how far away you are. She just thinks Africa and that is where her birthparents live. I will keep working on her.

    I just love reading the blogs and can almost picture it, except my point of reference is on people-made safaris, too. I am so anxious to see your pictures! I am praying that these last few days will not be sad ones for y'all but that you will continue to bless as well as be blessed. By the way, feel free to bring me home a baby or two from the orphanage. :-) I can only imagine how God is going to use this trip in each of your lives for many, many years to come. What a thrill for all of you!

    Have a great evening/morning! Talk to y'all soon!!!!! We love you!

  4. What a blessing you have been to those you've encountered and what great blessings you have received from them. We continue to pray for a safe trip and on-time return home!

  5. As I sit and watch an amazing sunset tonight I can't help but think about all the amazing sites you have been witnessing the last few weeks. I'm sure you have made memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Cherish your remaining time and we look forward to seeing everyone back home.

  6. Maybe going back to the cheetah research camp was not in YOUR plans, but obviously God wanted you to go back. He had a reason. And to go back and have it feel like "home", well then you know you've made lasting friendships. When the pros outweigh the cons....hmmmm...something tells me you're having an experience of a lifetime!
    Hope all went well at the children's orphanage, especially handing out the school supplies and clothing. Another amazing experience, I'm sure! Don't forget the cookies in Ty's car and see you soon! :)
